
September 22, 2012

BWB2012: "Think before you click"

It's September 22, 2012 and I'm here at Malagos Garden Resort for Blog Weekend Bootcamp. I've waited for this event to come and excited to learn more about basic blogging. It’s our day two, everybody gathered and ready to listen for seminar. When the speaker starts talking, most of us take down notes and starts asking questions. During the event, each group was given a task to make a short video about what comes first into your mind when you hear the statement “Think before you click”. Everybody was thinking what could be the best answer? Will our answers connect to that statement? These are some questions poped out in our minds during that day. Then we came up to this video.

Be AWARE and RESPONSIBLE of what you click.

A friendly reminder from your co-blogger. 

Have a great day! 

P.S. Event details will be post next week.

Tag: #BWB2012; #BWB2012: Thinkers and Clickers